Friday, January 5, 2018

My First GLBT Acquaintance, Ray S

In my Book of Standards, little boys were supposed to have sports heroes, like baseball, football, Jack Armstrong, and the guys that had their pictures on the Wheaties box.

No, not me. My heroes and role models were male movie stars. At the time in my adolescent years I wasn’t aware that these crushes were the signs of my beginning acquaintance with what became of my life’s journey on the road to homosexuality. Little did I know, nor did I question, why I found these men appealing and attractive, but these acquaintances lived quietly in my pre-teen subconscious.

There was Franchot Tone, Clark Gable’s second mate on Charles Laughton’s “Bounty.” Never did care for Tom Mix or Gene Autry, but give me Randolph Scott anytime. Then there was a guy named Lou McAlister—“the boy next door.” By this time I was beginning to wonder: did he like boys too?

All this time it was my imagination creating these illusions that did not register as latent gayness. That developed shortly thereafter, upon the arrival of slow but sure puberty.

“First Acquaintance.” Looking back so many years, it is hard to remember which “first.” This is like so many other impertinent questions posed to a newly “out” GLBT person—and you want to reply with “None of your damned business” or proceed to bore the questioner with your life story. TMI.

Let’s see, does First Acquaintance mean actual physical contact or maybe talking about IT with a like-minded shy and timid boy? All that fooling around with your cousin of the neighbor boy when you were 6 or 7 years old doesn’t count. It wasn’t’ a heart to heart talk with the priest or some other spiritual counselor. In fact, the first instance may have been your “first” but I avoided clergy at all costs, and the same can be said for Boy Scout leaders.

There was a chance encounter at a movie house in Richmond, VA. I was stationed there during the war, after I had finished basic training. A teenaged U. S. Navy boy sat next to me in the darkened theatre and I noticed somehow our knees began to become acquainted.

As I stated before the rest is none of your damned business!

© 17 July 2017 

About the Author 

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