Monday, December 22, 2014

Terror by Ray S

Seems like there is almost too much TERROR to even write about. Come to think about it this subject, terror is what even you or we choose to make of it.

It is sort of like what FDR said long ago on a cold February day at our Capitol: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Well, likewise, we have our very own terrors---it comes with the territory.

Like suddenly waking up from a nightmare where the demon is right on your back, and your feet refuse to pull up out of the quagmire keeping you from escaping an unforeseen terror, or being secured to a torture rack and a mad doctor is poised with scalpel to attack and ultimately emasculate you--now that’s a really personal terror.  My apologies to the ladies, they have a whole laundry list of terrors which again come with the territory.  Another bad dream.

Personally my little terror recently has been clearing out the residue of family memorabilia, another name for trash depending on how you look at it.  But the (you would think benign) terror that I’ve been facing is not being able in clear conscious to discard all of those family photo albums with pictures of people I have no recollection of, the yellow newspapers someone saved marking the end of WWII, letters saved from birth to deaths.  My terror has been facing the necessity of this sorting out of family life so that I might save my survivors from this same fate.

Not too important on a world wide scale, but I dare say, it might be to you very deep down and personal someday.

Good luck and sleep sans terror.

© 17 November 2014

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