Thursday, August 21, 2014

Poetry Tree by Beth Kahmann

Some need Poetry like another whole in their head,
Well, I certainly don’t need another whole in my head, Beth said.

Others need it to fulfill a proverbial scratch that needs itching
Or a needlepoint project that needs more stitching

Others still ache and crave
And must partake and create, 
In order to be saved.

Others, still, need it to quench a gnawing thirst, just like a water balloon, ready to burst.

One common denominator or thread seems to be that some cradle their Poetry, as if it is Communal bread. 

All I know is I get bursts and phrases of conjunctions and dangling participles that randomly float around in my head, even when I’m in bed
And when I am able
I sit at my table
striking pen to paper
creating, cultivating my own little song, rhyme, Haiku or fable

Sometimes I awaken from sleep or slumber or meditation, my mind firing with anticipation.

Then the words and phrases spill forth before I say my morning affirmations.

I feel so blessed to see Poetry as my passion and my friend.
I feel like a kid again
who gets a free snow day and gets to play and play and play all day.

All I know is my soul is saturated with utter joy.
Not unlike a Toddler Turning Two who receives a brand new sparkling toy.
Not sure why the title of this poem is Poetry Tree, well that’s because to me………Poetry is Rule Free!!!!

14 July 2014 

About the Author 

Beth is an artist, educator, and is very passionate about poetry.

She owns Kahmann Sense Communications (

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