Wednesday, February 18, 2015

All My Exes Live in Texas by Will Stanton

Who the heck came up with this topic?  Just because the title rhymes doesn't mean that every member of the Story-Time group will have something worthwhile to say about it...and, in my case, certainly nothing serious.  I've read the lyrics of the Shafer and Shafer song, and I can't say that the song has any memorable quality to it, regardless of whether the song is sung by George Straight or Marvin Gay.

To begin with, I don't have any exes.  I had just one partner of twenty years before he died of lung cancer, and I don't consider him to be an “ex.”  Besides, if I did have exes, the kind of person I would have associated with, as sure as hell, never would want to move to Texas.

Oh, I'm sure that a few of the people in Texas are very nice and have something to offer humanity, but I have to say the the ones that I met on a couple of visits left me unimpressed.  Now, maybe this statement is too much of a generality, but it appeared to me that the only things the Texans whom I met were interested in were money, power, food, and sex...and maybe in that order.  They practiced a form of Texan chauvinism, viewing outsiders as suspect, probably even un-American.

The Texan culture (to use that term loosely) seems to consist of strident guitars, pounding drums, cold beer, and line-dancing.  The Texas Two-Step probably was devised by quickly avoiding cow paddies out on the prairie.  Yes, I know that Houston has an opera, but I suspect that its oil-rich patrons gave tons of money to Carl Rove to help him execute the 2000 George-Bush junta that placed him the Presidents' office.

After eight years of W, along with a plague of senators and congressman from that lunatic asylum, I cringe at even the hint of a Texas accent.  I recall when a Texas senator (who expressed his dislike of faggots) had the hubris to consider running for President.  He naturally went to his base, the N.R.A., for a speech.  One of his statements, and his thick Texas drawl, remain indelibly printed in my memory.  He said, “Ah own more guhns than ah need, but not as minny as ah wohnt!”  I suppose he thought that this sentiment qualified him to be leader of the “Free World.”

In case any of you needs assistance in interpreting Texan speech, there is, in fact, a Texan-English dictionary.  For example, “ohll” is that black stuff that they pump out of the ground.    And, “Yurp” is that place east across the ocean.

I'll tell you what - - how about culling out those Texan senators and congressmen who are scary, delusional nut-cases and making them all exes.  Get them out of Washington and send them back to Texas.  Then if they want to secede, let them.  Let them try to make it on their own without all the federal services and benefits that they claim are a commie intrusion upon their freedom.  The next time a hurricane devastates their coastline cities and industries, let them try to make it on their own.  Or, maybe they can ask Mexico for help.

I have one more suggestion: how about all those people throughout the nation who have had the misfortune to have made terrible choices in selecting partners sending all their exes to Texas?  Get them out of the country and put them where they belong.  We could call that program “Keep America Beautiful.”

 © 17 December 2013 

About the Author   

I have had a life-long fascination with people and their life stories.  I also realize that, although my own life has not brought me particular fame or fortune, I too have had some noteworthy experiences and, at times, unusual ones.  Since I joined this Story Time group, I have derived pleasure and satisfaction participating in the group.  I do put some thought and effort into my stories, and I hope that you find them interesting.

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