Friday, June 23, 2017

Consequence, by Ray S

Since the beginning of time for the little I know, there have always been untold numbers of situations that resulted in serious consequence to the doer or the doee. Doubtless you may have a few situations of your own that might need to be kept secret, or some sort of cleansing-emotional confession. So goes the state of consequence = GUILT.

There are some old tired consequences such as the ones found in the King James book or the Talmud and the warnings by Nostradamus. “Watch out or there’ll be hell to pay.” Think about your ticket and fine for overtime parking. Can you still be sued for breach of promise? What about divorce or wedding vows?

Look what’s happened to good old boys and locker room parlance. Here’s the question: when is it sexual harassment and when is it dirty conversation between consenting parties? What constituted sexual harassment of the male gender, present company excluded or may be included—it depends on who, what, and when, and of course, maybe?

The devil’s in the details-how many times have we been beseeched to “REPENT” for the end is coming? And don’t forget the little red warning light that comes on with the message CHECK ENGINE, or EMPTY.

Presently we citizen’s who are registered to vote in this November’s presidential election are faced with some truly numbing consequences. But fear not because our shining peroxide white knight has this ‘fixed’ election all wrapped up. You can’t go wrong with Mr. Putin’s gang working the computers and the Fox Network and Donald’s “fact finders” grinding out more lies, lies, lies. Oh sorry, I got the wrong candidate, but that’s alright because the new Attorney General will take care of those consequences.

About global warming—another lie, and if some insignificant foreign second-rate NATO countries do have a little seacoast shrinkage, we will threaten Russia to stop producing nuclear and start shoveling Siberia into the Pacific Ocean to cool things down.

What are the consequences of all these lies about a little friendly groping? It was pretty convincing preceding the last debate with the happy maidens attesting to it was “Just like one big happy family.”

To top that bit of showmanship, the Donald will present to the USA a joyful, giggling group of 426 previous contestants of Trump reality TV shows. They will bear witness to what has been sanctimoniously labeled sexual harassment by ship-jumping party members; they all were extremely pleased and somewhat aroused by the candidate’s attentions. Their payoff will be front step seats at the Trumpian Coronation.

Every day it gets more exciting. It has become a huge game of “Truth or Dare.” Hold on to your bikini, Sister. Or better yet, “Truth or Consequences” and guess what? This time no one tells the truth and every one of us gets the consequences.

P.S. do you have a valid passport for Canada?

© 17 October 2016

About the Author 

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