Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Guilty Gift?, by Pat Gourley

In an effort to catch up with the group topics I am combining “Gifts from Afar” and “Guilty Pleasures”.  I am using the title of this piece “A Guilty Gift?” as a possible metaphor for my own HIV infection. Please don’t interpret the use of this metaphor on my part as personal “slut-shaming” since nothing could be further from the truth. Nor do I for a minute view my HIV infection as a gift.

I was most certainly infected in late 1980 or early 1981 and it could have been in the rectory of the Methodist Church in Aspen Colorado or as likely at the Empire Baths here in Denver. Either way I suppose that the behavior, most likely with my legs in the air, that lend to my infection could be viewed as the result of indulgence in a guilty pleasure.

By 1980 though I had long ago stopped viewing getting fucked as something to feel guilty about. It had become one of the true pleasures of my life. It did not start out that way though with my first bottoming experience being with a cop in Gary Indiana in the summer of 1968. Note to self from that experience: do not ever use shaving cream again as lube. This was a very unpleasant experience that I did feel guilty about for a few years actually. However, in large part on the basis of my first very positive sexual experiences with a dear man a few years my senior the previous year (1967) I was able to work through the guilt in time for my move to Denver in late 1972.  By the mid-1970’s I was a raging homosexual activist and enjoying the many pleasures of the heady sexual liberation that came with the blossoming of the emerging LGBT movement back then.

As I have written before I have often wondered if a mushroom trip one night in the fall of 1979 at the Empire Baths, that went a bit array, was not a premonition of a much bigger nightmare to come. Were the gargoyles that adorned the walls of the outdoor pool at the Empire Bath speaking to me, telling me that night to flee for my life or announcing the arrival of a “gift from afar”? Maybe both! A gift in the form of a resilient little virus called HIV.

It is now widely accepted that HIV in humans originated from a similar virus found in a species of chimpanzees in western equatorial Africa. This Simian virus was likely transmitted to hunters infected when butchering these chimps for bush meat and it then mutated in them into the HIV we know. Why this seems to have blossomed mid-20th century is still conjecture but one interesting theory is that the European colonization of parts of Africa forced the native Africans off the more desirable land for farming and into the jungle areas where hunting bush meat became a necessary source of protein. That would be one bitchin’ bit of Karma wouldn’t it?

Hindsight can be a most potent and effective teacher. The proverbial “if I only knew then what I know now” is a frequently engaged mental exercise.  However, we really aren’t psychics so feeling guilty that we are not is a big waste of time. Living life to its fullest is inherently a risky proposition, and mistakes will be made.

 I think it is certainly true for many of us with HIV infection to view this virus as a gift from afar and that it is the direct result of a guilty pleasure.  That view I think though comes from very faulty thinking around health and illness, a view still very prevalent today. The unsound and simplistic view is that being healthy comes from being good and being sick from being bad. I would remind everyone that no one gets out alive or as the Grateful Dead so succinctly sang “if the thunder don’t get ya’, the lightning will”.

It may seem that I am blowing off the reality that my actions have had consequences. Certainly they have even if many of those actions were quite pleasurable in the moment and the consequences a real bite in the ass down the road. I accept total responsibility for my HIV but I really don’t engage in feeling guilty about it, certainly not now 30 plus years down the road. I am much more likely to feel very lucky to be alive today with this infection when so many in my life are not. Guilt I think can be viewed as a form of regret about something that has already happened and it is really a bit of toxic self-indulgence.

My main “guilty pleasure” these days is primarily an addiction to ice cream almost always eaten in the evening before bed. The “gift” if you will for my persistent indulgence in this sugar-laden fat bomb several times a week may very well be Type 2 diabetes eventually.

I was recently stunned by a comment made by one of the Physician’s Assistants in the Urgent Care Clinic I work. He had I think probably just seen a diabetic patient with unfortunate symptoms related to diabetes, a necrotic toe perhaps that would require IV antibiotics and maybe amputation. His rather forceful statement was:      “These days I would rather have HIV than diabetes”.

Needless to say this comment has stuck with me on more than one occasion when I am downing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, this shortly after taking my evening HIV meds. Guilty pleasures and gifts from afar indeed!

© 17 May 2015 

About the Author 

I was born in La Porte Indiana in 1949, raised on a farm and schooled by Holy Cross nuns. The bulk of my adult life, some 40 plus years, was spent in Denver, Colorado as a nurse, gardener and gay/AIDS activist. I have currently returned to Denver after an extended sabbatical in San Francisco, California.

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